The Spurs Show Vodcast


Every year thousands of podcast presenters are needlessly tossed aside as they fight to compete against BIG MEDIA and their BIG budgets. Don’t let this happen to the Spurs Show.

Save the Spurs Show, podcasting since 2007, from being another forgotten victim of the war of media independence and give £5 today or whatever you can afford to give to save Britain’s most established internet wireless show about football and men and kicking and goals.

The Spurs Show Vodcast

The Spurs Show has been playing in your ears since 2007. Now we’ve decided to invade your eyes too. On our first Vodcast Phil Cornwell and Mike Leigh welcome the genial Paul Whitehouse and the gravelly Andy Linden, both Lilywhites through and through.

See the full length version of the ‘podcast for your eyes’ above or get it in three easy pieces on iTunes now.

We learned tonight from video artist Richard Swarbrick, creator of the beautiful Gareth Bale animation above that has taken the Internet by storm, that he did this while listening to the Spurs Show. The animation is a masterpiece that took many hours, which can only lead us to think that our podcasts are getting too long!

If you’re curious about the Spurs Legends vs.  Spurs Show Wheezers charity football match, then check out the video above. The training sequences are a montage of meaty, manly motion. And the actual game footage is just hilarious!

Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed our venture into the world of  ‘television’ share this page using the links below and spread the word…